


“Your job in life is not to learn how to be different [or better], it is to spend more time realizing, and living from the best that’s already within. The difference between people who “realize their potential” and those who don’t is not the amount of potential, but the amount of permission they give themselves to use it.”
                                                       --Marlane Miller, BrainStyles™: Change Your Life Without Changing Who You Are℠ (Simon & Schuster, 1997), p.29

“Our brains are built to process things in certain ways, and no amount of education or training can take us beyond these built-in characteristics.”
                                                       --Michael Gazzaniga, Neuroscientist, Co-Discoverer of left/right brain functions in Nature’s Mind, 1990.

Early results of business applications of BrainStyles research and principles included:

  • A national Customer Service team at Procter & Gamble applied BrainStyles to reduce a project timeline from 18 months to 5 months.
  • A P&G account team took meetings from 8-hour marathons to two-hour sessions that increased sales by multiples and changed the careers of the team members.
  • Allstate Insurance underwriters applied BrainStyles to field support with agents to become Allstate's leading division nationwide.
  • HB Communications, a public relations firm in Chicago, brought corporate clients into a BrainStyles seminar to apply brainstyle -based customer-service strategies. Client satisfaction rose as the teamwork within their firm increased.
  • A team of highly conflicted members used BrainStyles to initiate a publishing project.  It was completed from idea to hardback book in 6 months while all team members had other full-time jobs.  The team credited BrainStyles for learning how to leverage both brainspeed and individual brain-based strengths to collaborate smoothly and far more efficiently than ever before.
BrainStyles™ (Book) 01-S-GA-SS Product details
The BrainStyle Assessment© 01-O-GA-BS Product details